Want to eat more local food and support your farmers?
For 10 days, eat food grown within 100 miles of home,
with just 10 exotics (foods from afar you can’t live without).
During the 2020 pandemic, we all experienced Empty Shelves Syndrome.
We saw the truth: grocery stores are the end point of the global, industrial-scale, just-in-time food system.
Grocery stores don’t have food. They stock food.
Join the 10-Day Local Food Challenge. Start your hunt for local food now. Plant a garden.
Find farm stands, farmers markets, food in the forest.
Be ready at harvest time to ace the Challenge.
Go local for fun, pleasure and food security.
1. Pick your Challenge dates and put them on your calendar. Check out (and “like”!) our Facebook Page to keep in touch.
2. Read our How-To page for specifics.
3. Then Pick Your 10 Exotics. Draw your 100 Mile Circle. Find your Suppliers. Ready. Set. Eat Local.
4. Join us in our Facebook Group to share your stories and questions
Be nourished by food that breathes the same air, drinks the same water and soaks up the same sun you do.
Commit to your place on earth.
Find community.
Create a vibrant food culture.
Take charge of your diet.
Liberate yourself from almost total dependency on the global food system.
Surprise yourself. Get radical. Inspire others.
This is an experiment. There are no wrong answers. No failures.
All experience is information. Your experience matters.