
“Even a ten day commitment can be enough time to discover the bounty and richness of where you live. New connections can be made, new discoveries, new flavors – and all of it leads you closer home.” ~~ Michelle Long, Executive Director, BALLE (Business Alliance for Local Living Economies)


“Our family once spent a year eating only food from our valley. It was enlightening, it changed our patterns for good. Oh, and it was delicious” ~~ Bill McKibben, Author, 350.org


“What is a better way to really know your relationship with your place, your community and the Earth than looking at the food on your plate? Who and what is feeding you today? What and where is your foodshed? Do you know the hands that feed you? What a great opportunity to join with others and and gain more knowledge and awareness of all that goes into producing the food that we eat. May it be a humbling experience for us all.” ~~Penny Livingston – Co-director, Regenerative Design Institute at Commonweal Garden


“If you want a healthy body, a healthy community, and a healthy planet, eating real food from local food systems is a great place to start. And The Local Food Challenge offers potent tools to support you on the path!” ~~ Ocean Robbins, CEO, Food Revolution Network

